Why I created this blog...

...because my brother and I trade several emails daily concerning interesting, crazy, sad and otherwise
emotional news. And, we often forward articles to family and friends. So to stop to the continual
forwarding, here's the news and our commentary... let us know what you think too

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Restaurant scam sounds like a scan

My brother sent me this one... a scam during which a local restaurant is called "by it's regional office" and told to put cash ($700 in one instance) in an envelope and leave it in a ditch at a certain intersection, for bad service provided to a customer. Each time, restaurant employees complied with the caller's request. The caller of course knows the managers/owners of the restaurant names. But even so, to me, the story sounds suspect. Check out this News4Jax article.

Of course I say, you never know what you'd do in a situation until it happens. But for real, for bad service, you provide an apology. Even if you did refund or pay someone with the apology, leave the money in a ditch!?!?! I know we are taught to listen to what our superiors tell us, but for real, I am thinking I'd think this was some kind of test or something. I just don't know if I'd be responsible for complying.

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